Difference Between Myxomycota And Eumycota

Difference Between Myxomycota And Eumycota
Difference Between Myxomycota And Eumycota

The key difference between Myxomycota and eumycota is that Myxomycota consists of fungi-like slime molds which lack cell walls in the vegetative state while eumycota consists of true fungi which are filamentous eukaryotic heterotrophic microorganisms consisting rigid cell walls.

Myxomycota and eumycota are two major divisions of organisms. Myxomycota belongs to Kingdom Protista while eumycota belongs to Kingdom Fungi. Myxomycota comprises fungi like organisms. They lack cell walls made up of chitin in the vegetative state. But eumycota is true fungi which have chitin cell walls. True fungi have mycelia, and they are heterotrophic aerobic microorganisms.
